Why you should always be early for work

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Do you always run late in the mornings? Do you find it challenging to get to your desk without being the last one in the office?

Being late can hurt your career

If you’ve answered “Yes!” to either of these questions, you might be doing your career more harm than good. According to a survey cited in Maurie Backman’s article “A career-hurting habit that could tank your earnings” for USA Today, on average, people who always arrive early for work make $2,500 per year more than those who are late. What’s more: They’re less likely to be let go.

Being early can be good for your career

In contrast, getting to the office early can be beneficial to your career. First of all, you’ll beat the traffic, so you’re much less likely to arrive at work stressed and tired. You’ll make a good impression on your supervisor, since showing up early clearly indicates your enthusiasm for your job. And you’ll be able to take advantage of the peace and quiet to work on more challenging tasks, as Stephanie Vozza advises in her Fast Company article “This Is Why Being a Morning Person Will Make You Better at Your Job.”

Time management tips

There are several time management tips you can keep in mind to make sure you get an early start:

  • Prepare for tomorrow. In her article “The Bad Habit That’s Killing Your Reputation at Work” for The Muse, Ruth Zive recommends getting the next day’s clothes and materials ready before you go to bed at night.
  • Go to bed on time and get eight hours of sleep. That way, you’ll be rested in the morning.
  • Set your alarm an hour earlier. It will give you more time to shower and grab a cup of coffee.
  • Leave half an hour earlier. Even just 30 minutes can make the difference between getting stuck in traffic and having a nice, relaxed commute.
  • Don’t try to do things before heading into work. Running an errand or having breakfast with a friend can easily make you run late. Schedule errands and meetings for after work or on the weekends instead.

It can be difficult to leave your nice, warm bed in the morning. But if you plan ahead for the next day and make sure you get sufficient rest, you’re more likely to wake up refreshed and ready to get to work before the rest of your team arrives.





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