Classroom management for substitute teachers.

A substitute teacher with students.
Reading Time: 4 minutes


Even if you’re well-prepared for a substitute teacher job, stepping into someone else’s classroom can feel intimidating. It may be a new room, a new school, a new set of students. It’s your job to keep the school day moving and students learning. 

That’s where classroom management comes in. It makes the difference between a successful day and one that quickly unravels. 

Classroom management is the actions a teacher takes to create an effective, successful learning environment. Having some tried-and-true classroom management strategies in your back pocket will bolster your confidence—whether it’s your first day of substitute teaching or you’re developing new skills. 

The challenges of classroom management.

One thing that most substitute teachers agree on: classroom management is both challenging and critical. Let’s look at some common student behaviors that happen during substitute teaching: 

  • Minor student misbehavior, such as talking without raising their hands or working on something other than the work assigned for the class. 
  • Attention-seeking behaviors, such as making noises, speaking loudly, or purposely going against standard classroom routines. 
  • Low engagement in lessons or activities 
  • Breaking school or classroom rules by using electronic devices, eating and drinking in the classroom, or failing to follow proper hall pass procedures. 

Fortunately, a few easy-to-implement classroom management tips can help you successfully fulfill your substitute teacher duties and responsibilities. 

Anticipate behaviors.

Understanding what to expect from your students is a key part of any classroom management plan. If it’s your first time in a new building, arriving early to talk to other teachers on your grade level team can help you get the information you need to anticipate student behaviors.  

Paying attention to their behavior before school, at recess, and in the lunchroom can also help you notice which students might benefit from a little extra attention when they’re in your class. 

Use proximity to your advantage.

The simple action of physically moving closer to a student who is exhibiting an unwanted behavior or failing to show a desired behavior is a simple way to encourage a student to get back on track without public redirection. Using proximity can be a great first line of defense with students who need frequent reminders to follow classroom procedures and stay on task. 

Follow school and classroom routines.

Sometimes, students will try to bend the rules with substitute teachers. They may tell you that their classroom teacher allows certain behaviors or that the actual rules are different from posted school policies.  

When a student insists that an odd behavior (changing seats without asking, eating in the classroom, calling out) is permitted, making a quick call to another teacher on the grade level team, consulting a classroom aide, or making a call to the school office to confirm can nip the problem in the bud. 

Use strategic ignoring.

Not every behavior needs to be corrected. If a student is making quiet noises, is taking longer to get started than you would expect, or is exhibiting other non-disruptive behaviors, simply waiting a moment or two before making a correction may do the trick. Sometimes, when students see that they aren’t getting attention for negative behavior, they refocus their energy. 

Narrate the positive.

Stating positive behaviors that are happening in the classroom that you want the rest of the class to emulate can have a rapid, domino-like effect to get students on task. If you don’t see any positive behaviors to narrate, it’s okay to pretend! You’ll be surprised at how quickly students will want to jump on board with positive behavior once they hear such actions being praised. 

Narrating the positive can sound like this: 

  • I see three students who have their writing notebooks on their desks. Now I see five — wait, seven — students who have their writing notebooks on their desks.” 
  • “Thank you so much to the four students who are standing in line silently.” 
  • “I see Monique is checking her work — fantastic. Otto is checking his work; Tenley is checking her work … that’s perfect!” 

Try whole group reminders and quick words.

It can be tempting to call out every student misbehavior that you see in your classroom, but doing so can result in “putting out fires” or spending time squashing small misbehaviors.  You don’t want to spend most of the class trying to get all the students on the same page. 

Using whole group reminders can sound like: 

  • “Right now, we’re taking out our agendas and writing down tonight’s homework, which is to read pages 42-52. Everyone is writing.” 
  • “The bell has rung, and we are silently sitting in our seats with our hands folded, ears listening, and eyes focused.” 
  • “We are raising our hands when we want to contribute.” 

Typically, whole group reminders work well to get students on board. If there are a few stragglers despite whole group reminders, a quick word can help get individual students back on track. 

Quick words should be private, short, and fast. A quick word may sound like: 

  • “Connie, you need to put away your math homework and focus on our lesson.” 
  • “Savannah, you’ve called out several times. You need to raise your hand.” 
  • “Quinn, I see that you keep trying to distract Aria. Enough.” 

Fully immerse yourself in your role.

The most important classroom management tip is also the simplest: be present. When you fully immerse yourself in your role as a teacher, you’re fully in the classroom with your students. Don’t simply give them a worksheet and sit back at your desk.  

Even if the work the teacher has provided for the students doesn’t require active teaching, you should be moving around the room, checking in with students, correcting misunderstandings, and troubleshooting problem areas. Students won’t buy in unless they see you doing the same. 

Stay calm.

No matter how nervous or unsure you might feel, it’s essential to stay calm. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. Remember, substitute teaching comes with its highs and lows. Do your best not to take any misbehavior or disrespect personally. You can do this! 

Never stop growing — utilize your resources.

Asking your principal or grade team lead about available training is a great way to update your skills. 

When you work with Kelly Education, our team helps you gain the skills you’ll need to succeed in the classroom with our pre-hire ClassSmarts training. Then, we’re with you every step of the way to support your professional development through webinars and training opportunities that can bolster your classroom management skills. 

Want more substitute teacher tips? From substitute teacher dress codes to what to bring on your first day and how to introduce yourself to the class, Kelly Education has many more quick articles you can read about substitute teaching. Check out all our career advice so you can confidently lead your class.

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