Substitute Teacher Story: Janet Brandon

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Former marketing executive finds joy working as a substitute teacher.

As a young woman headed off college, Janet Brandon’s heart was pulling her toward a degree in early childhood education. She loved children and wanted to make a difference. Her mother was her kindergarten teacher, and she had always thought she would do something to help enrich the lives of children. However, during her college years, her head shifted her heart to a profession that would possibly give her more monetary stability.   

Janet earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing & communications. After working in that field for many years – making good money – she realized she was never truly happy. 

Several friends suggested she start substitute teaching. She did… and never looked back. She’s been doing it for 20 years.

What makes being substitute teaching such a great career choice for you? 

In my first career, I made a lot of money. But it wasn’t rewarding. When I came home from work, I wasn’t fulfilled. I didn’t feel like I had made a “difference” in our world. I simply was not happy. 

 Substitute teaching also fits into my life because it’s flexible. I can work or take time off when I want. I’m not committed to five days a week. I’m committed to what I choose. There isn’t anything else that I can do that would fulfill me and be as flexible as this job. 

It was the best decision I have ever made. My job is such a blessing. The staff, kiddos, and their parents have become my second family. To be honest, it’s almost like, some days, I should pay them. That’s how much I enjoy it! 

I enjoy getting out and coming to work. The best part is that when I get off at 3:30, I feel like I have made a positive impact in a little life. It might have only been that I said to a student, “Good morning sweetie, I hope your day is fantastic!“ But that might have been the only positive thing that child heard that day. That makes me happy!  

Talk about the satisfaction of finally working with students. 

I love working with the smaller children. It is wonderful to see their little faces light up when they have conquered a task that we have been working on. It might be as small as remembering to use a capital letter when writing a sentence, to as big as finally remembering all their multiplication facts.  Whatever the degree, it makes my heart full.  It is truly a wonderful feeling.  

One child a day. That’s my goal, to make one child a day feel like they have a purpose. We all need to remember, these “littles” are the future of our world.  We should want to give them the best opportunities they can. I hope I play at least a small part in their positive development.   

How long will you continue with this work? 

I plan to substitute until I can’t work anymore! I jokingly tell the administrators that they may have to approve of me riding around on a scooter, but I’ll still be working!  I’ll be a 90-year-old substitute. That’s how much I love it and love being able to make a positive difference in our children’s lives. 


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